OpUs® Foaming Trigger Sprayers

    Foaming trigger sprayers dispense liquids as dense, creamy foam rather than as a fluid making it the perfect choice for certain applications, for example, cleaning products which need to cling to and penetrate a vertical surface or products which require close control.

    Foam products hold fast to surfaces at most angles which greatly reduces run-off and keeps the product in contact with the affected area for longer. They also rinse more easily and more obviously meaning less residual product is left on the surface.

    All of our trigger sprayers are available in a wide range of colours to compliment your products’ packing and branding. AFA foaming trigger sprayers are the highest performance, stylish and productive trigger available on the market, therefore they are the perfect foaming head to compliment your product.

    Our triggers sprayers are available in a wide range of opaque and translucent colours and can be supplied with dip tubes sized as required.

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    AFA Trigger Sprayers

    AFA OpUs® Trigger Features:


    OpUs® Vented Insert

    The AFA OpUs® Vented Insert trigger sprayer is coded FOVI and has 2 nozzle settings:

    • Airy foam pattern (a foaming pattern where product is aerated but still allows a direct application of product)
    • Off (closed)

    OpUs® Vented Mesh

    The AFA OpUs® Vented Mesh trigger sprayer is coded FOVM and has 2 nozzle settings:

    • Creamy foam pattern (a foaming pattern where the product is very aerated
    • Off (closed)

    AFA Trigger Sprayers

    Contact us

    We hold a range of products in stock, please contact us for more information.

    To find out how we can help maximise the performance of your products please contact us on:

     0800 368 8323


     Online Enquiry Form

    Our AFA Trigger Sprayers are available throughout the UK in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee, Aberdeen, Inverness, Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, Hull, Sheffield, Nottingham, Birmingham, Leicester, Bristol, Cardiff, Southampton, Portsmouth, London and Plymouth.

    Ecological Advantages

    AFA OpUs® triggers are designed to look modern and dynamic, yet retain a comfortable feel when handling and operating. They can be supplied in a selection of colours and designs to complement your packaging and are available in a range of spray and foaming patterns to deliver your product in the manner you require.

    Find out more on the AFA Dispensing website.